Three-dimensional Constructions

Blue Tondo with raised elements and zig zags

Blue Tondo with raised elements and zigzag

24 x 18, with 2 inch rise

Yellow and Blue constuction with raised elements

Yellow and Blue Construction with raised elements

22.6 x 16

Mauve three dimensional contruction with zig zags

Mauve Three-Dimensional Construction with Aluminum Zigzags

25 x 32

MS 3-D 4

Brown with white painted raised disk, acrylic on wood with aluminum

15.5 x 19 inches


MS 3-D 7

Tryptic set, brown wood and aluminum

28.5 x 8.5 inches

MS 3-D 3

Pink and White Circles on Wood

17.75 x 17.75 inches


MS 3-D 5

Mauve acrylic on wood with aluminum

34.6 x 23.5 inches

MS 3-D 9

Red tondo, circles with raised zigzag, acrylic on wood

43 x 28 inches

MS 3-D 10

Grey tondo, circles with raised zigzag, acrylic on wood

33.5 x 40 x 2 inches

MS 3-D 1

Abstract Woman, acrylic on wood

22.5 x 16 inches


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